Green Township Parks
Rules and Regulations
The following rules and regulations are adopted by the Green Township Board of Trustees
pursuant to Sections 511.32 and 755.13 of the Ohio Revised Code and shall apply to all Green Township Parks.
1. Township parks will be open to the general public from first light to dark. No person shall remain in or use any part of park facilities after closing time unless the Board has granted specific written permission. Any person reserving any Shelter House located within a park must leave the premises by 9:00 p.m. and inform all guests that they must leave the premises by 9:00 p.m.
2. Picnic shelter houses may be reserved through the Township offices. The Board reserves the right to cancel a rental agreement for a picnic shelter for any reason if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of Green Township and notice is provided at least thirty days before the reserved date. The Board may cancel a rental agreement anytime during Acts of God or emergencies. A full refund of all rental fees will be issued if the Board cancels any rental.
3. No person shall drive, propel, or park any motor vehicle, minibike, motorcycle, or other motorized vehicle on any unpaved park portion. Parking is permitted only in designated parking areas. Overnight parking is not permitted except as specifically authorized by the Board. Any unauthorized vehicle in the park after closing time will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
4. Speed limit shall be 10 MPH on Park roads.
5. Unleashed dogs, and other pets are prohibited in all parks. Dogs on a leash are permitted, provided the owner assumes responsibility for picking up and disposing of the dog's excrement. The only dogs permitted in West Fork Park are service dogs.
6. No person shall injure, deface, disturb, or befoul any part of a park nor any building, sign, equipment, or other property found therein. No trees, flowers, shrubs, rock or other minerals shall be removed, injured or destroyed. No park fixtures or equipment (picnic tables, waste receptacles, etc.) shall be moved to other locations within the park or removed from park property.
7. No hunting or molesting of wildlife is permitted within the parks.
8. No person shall start a fire in a park without written permission from the Board, except small fires for cooking purposes in park grills. No “bonfires” shall be permitted in the park grills. All fires shall be extinguished by the person or persons starting or using the same before leaving the immediate vicinity of the fire. The Board may, at its discretion, prohibit fires or smoking for limited periods at any location or for any purpose when necessary for the protection of park property.
9. Cans, bottles, and all other waste materials must be placed in trash containers. Persons who have used a shelter house must remove and tie all trash bags before leaving. Bags must be inside a concrete block trash container if one is located within the park. Failure to clean up will result in forfeiture of the deposit and an additional charge for clean-up by Township personnel. Clean-up must be completed on the same day as the event.
10. No glass bottles may be brought into a park.
11. No hitting of golf balls is permitted.
12. No person shall sell or offer for sale any article, thing, privilege or service within a park without a permit from the Board.
13. Alcoholic beverages (including beer in cans and bottles) are prohibited at all times. Nonalcoholic beverages in glass containers are also prohibited. Within the confines of a Park shelter house and upon the issuance of a license, beer in cans or kegs is permissible. Permission granted by the Board of Trustees does not constitute a temporary permit from the Ohio Department of Liquor Control. State of Ohio requirements for liquor permits are the responsibility of the individual or organization hosting the event.
14. Smoking is prohibited at all times within the confines of a park. This shall include cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, and any other type of tobacco products or devices.
15. Use of any vape products is prohibited at all times within the confines of a park.
16. No person shall possess, obtain, or use any controlled substance as defined by RC Section 3719.01 within the confines of a park. This shall include the use in any form of medically authorized or recreational cannabis. No person shall sniff, breathe, or otherwise use in any way other than the intended use by the manufacturer any product containing a harmful intoxicant, as defined by RC Section 2925.01, within a park.
17. No person shall, either by word or act, indulge in any noisy, boisterous, disorderly, or indecent conduct or in any manner, disturb the peace or good order of the community within a park. No person shall play at games of chance, be intoxicated, or do any indecent, lascivious, lewd, or improper act therein.
18. No person shall obstruct, resist, abuse, or use profanity toward a Police Officer or authorized agent of the Township in and during the lawful discharge of his/her duties.
19. No person shall remain within the Park who does not abide by conditions adopted and posted by the Township to preserve good order and protect property within the Park.
20. No person shall remain within the park who does not abide by the instructions and directions of the Township's duly authorized officers or agents in the lawful performance of their duties. Any person directed by a Police Officer or agent of the Township to leave the Park shall do so promptly and peaceably.
21. Athletic fields are available to the public except during hours when a permit is issued. If you desire a permit to use a field, contact the township offices at (513) 574-8832 for information. Athletic fields may be closed when conditions warrant, as determined solely by the Public Services Department.
22. No child under 12 years old shall be left unattended in any area of the parks.
23. Because of the field size, hardball is prohibited in Bosken Park and Blue Rock Park for persons over the age of 12.
24. Attractions or special equipment, including, but not limited to, bouncy houses, tents, dunking tanks, or pony rides, are not permitted.
25. No portion of a park shall be used for the purpose of travel by motorized vehicles except on designated, paved roadways. Paths, walks, and trails established for pedestrian or bicycle travel shall not be used by motor vehicles. This section does not apply to police officers, emergency service workers, or other agents of the Board. For the purpose of this section, a personal assistive mobility device used by a person with disabilities shall not be considered a motor vehicle. Skateboards, rollerblades, skates, and bicycles are permitted on paths so long as they do not interfere with pedestrian traffic.
26. Any law enforcement officer shall have the authority to eject any individual who violates any park rule from further use of a township park on the day of the offense.
27. Violation of any park rule or regulation shall cause the violator to be subject to a fine of not more than $150 for each offense.
6303 Harrison Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45247
(513) 574-4848
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6303 Harrison Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45247
Report a Problem, Request Information or Request Service.
6303 Harrison Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45247
(513) 574-4848
Report a Problem, Request Information or Request Service.
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