The Green Township Police Department is committed to building positive relationships between department members and the community by treating community members with dignity and respect and engaging them in public safety strategy development and relationship-building activities. Choose a topic for more information.
Community Relations Team
The Green Township Police Community Relations Team (CRT) is tasked with promoting positive relationships between the police department and the community. The CRT is comprised of 1 sergeant and 6 officers. The entire department, along with the CRT team, is involved in various outreach and educational programs throughout the year.
As in any community, crime is one of our primary concerns in Green Township. Neighborhood Watch is one of the most effective tools that we have at our disposal to insure that our crime rate remains low, and that our community is as safe as possible.
Neighborhood Watch involves citizens working with their local police department, by assisting in the prevention and detection of crime. Residents are trained to recognize suspicious activities and are encouraged to contact the police when something out of the ordinary is observed. Police officers will then promptly respond and determine if criminal activity is occurring.
Birthday with the Badge aims to improve community relations between our police department & our school families by pampering deserving children on their birthdays. Visit Birthday with the Badge’s Facebook page for up to date information and photographs from past events.
The Citizen’s Police Academy is a 12 week program that provides the opportunity to learn about the daily responsibilities of a police officer, what it takes to become a police officer, and the duties of the profession.
After graduating from the Citizen’s Police Academy, participants have the option of remaining engaged by joining the Green Township Police Citizen’s Academy Alumni Association. The Green Township Police Citizens’ Academy Alumni, G.T.P.C.A.A., Is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization working in cooperation with the Green Township Police Department to improve the safety and quality of life in the township through educational programs, community activities and volunteer opportunities
Toys, Tots, and Cops
The Green Township Police Department along with the Green Township Police Citizens Academy provide a special Christmas to over 100 children each year in our Township through Toys Tots & Cops. Thanks to the generous support from Arnold & Mary Jo Barnett, numerous children are provided with the opportunity to pair up with Green Township Police officers to shop for Christmas presents.
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6303 Harrison Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45247
(513) 574-4848
Report a Problem, Request Information or Request Service.
6303 Harrison Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45247
Report a Problem, Request Information or Request Service.
6303 Harrison Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45247
(513) 574-4848
Report a Problem, Request Information or Request Service.
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