Trustee Rosiello being sworn in to office January 1,
2016 with his wife Sally
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Rosiello and Mr. & Mrs. Triffon Callos
Trustee Tony Rosiello, along with Trustee David Linnenberg and Trustee Triffon Callos, presenting a plaque to the Administration of LaSalle High School for their achievement of winning the 2014 Ohio Division II State Football Championship.
January 26, 2015
Trustee Triffon Callos and Trustee Tony Rosiello with members of VFW Post #10380 who attended the Trustees Meeting on November 24th to discuss their application for a helicopter to be displayed at Veterans Park
November, 24, 2014
Trustee David Linnenberg, John Ritchie, Trustee Tony Rosiello
Trustees Linnenberg and Rosiello presenting a Certificate of Appreciation
to John Ritchie of Ritchie Photography for donating his photographic services to the Township for many years
November 10, 2014
Trustee David Linnenberg, Trustee Triffon Callos, Police Chief Bart West,
Trustee Tony Rosiello, Cpl. Tom Icenogle, and Larry Vickery. Mr. Vickery presented Cpl. Tom Icenogle with the 2013 Police Officer of the Year Award.
October 27, 2014
Lt. Mitch Hill, Police Officer Joe Smith, Asst. Fire Chief Scott Souders,
Reverend Seth Bridger, Linda Tenhundfeld, Trustee Tony Rosiello, Police Chief Bart West, District Chief Ed Thomas attending the September 11th
Memorial Ceremony
September 11, 2014
Lt. Mitch Hill, Trustee Tony Rosiello, Linda Tenhundfeld, Police Chief Bart West,
and Reverend Seth Bridger
September 11, 2014
Reverend Seth Bridger, Police Chief Bart West, and Trustee Tony Rosiello
observing a moment of silence during the September 11th
Memorial Ceremony
September 11, 2014
Trustee Triffon Callos, Trustee David Linnenberg, Oak Hills School Superintendent Todd Yohey, City of Cheviot Law Director Mark Waters and Trustee Tony Rosiello at the Harrison Greene groundbreaking ceremony
September 9, 2014
Trustee Rosiello speaking with Rich Graeter
at the Harrison Greene groundbreaking ceremony
September 9, 2014
Trustee Tony Rosiello participating in the Harrison Greene
groundbreaking Ceremony
September 9, 2014
Trustee Tony Rosiello speaking at the Harrison Greene
groundbreaking Ceremony
September 9, 2014
Trustee Triffon Callos, Trustee David Linnenberg, Judge Patrick Dinkelacker,
and Trustee Tony Rosiello at the Harrison Greene groundbreaking Ceremony
September 9, 2014
Trustee Tony Rosiello and Trustee Triffon Callos
declare Kids Fun Day a complete success!
August 23, 2014
Trustee Tony Rosiello cheers on the Tug of War participants
Kids Fun Day
August 23, 2014
Trustee Tony Rosiello and EMS Director Tom Dietz
Kids Fun Day
August 23, 2014
Trustee Tony Rosiello with Representative from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Kids Fun Day
August 23, 2014
Trustee Tony Rosiello, Ken Barlag, Trustee Triffon Callos,
and LaSalle Principal, Tom Luebbe
Trustee Triffon Callos presenting a plaque to Ken Barlag in recognition of his 43 years of service to LaSalle High School as teacher, coach, and Director of Advancement
May 27, 2014
Trustee Tony Rosiello (right) congratulating the newly appointed
Green Township Trustee Triffon Callos
March 10, 2014
Trustee Tony Rosiello swearing in Lynn Case to her second term as
President of the Green Township Senior Center
February 3, 2014
Trustee Tony Rosiello swearing in the new Officers of the
Green Township Senior Center
February 3, 2014
Trustee David Linnenberg, Clerk of Courts Tracy Winkler, Trustee Rocky Boiman. Trustee Tony Rosiello and Former Green Township Trustee Tony Upton attend the ribbon cutting for the new Mercy Health – West Hospital
October 15, 2013
James May, Chief Operating Officer for Catholic Health Partners and
Trustee Tony Rosiello attend the tour of the new Mercy Health – West Hospital
October 15, 2013
Congressman Brad Wenstrup, Congressman Steve Chabot, Trustee Tony Rosiello, Don Griffin and State Representative Lou Terhar were present to acknowledge Tom Griffin’s services during WWII as a Doolittle Raider. Each Congressman presented a Proclamation from the U.S. House of Representatives
Veterans Park
May 30, 2013
ongressman Brad Wenstrup presented the Proclamation to Don Griffin
(Nephew of Tom Griffin) with Trustee Tony Rosiello looking on
Veterans Park
May 30, 2013
Congressman Brad Wenstrup, Congressman Steve Chabot, Trustee Tony Rosiello, Don Griffin and State Representative Lou Terhar Veterans Park
May 30, 2013
Sally Rosiello, Trustee Tony Rosiello, Jane Portman from Children’s Hospital Board of Directors and Kathy Ligunziski at Children’s Hospital Dedication
April 19, 2013
Trustee Tony Rosiello with Thomas Cody, Chairman of the Board of Children’s Hospital and Hamilton County Commissioner, Chris Monzel at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Children’s Hospital
April 19, 2013
Trustee Tony Rosiello and Donna Kinnemeyer from Children’s Hospital
Children’s Hospital Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
April 19, 2013
Trustee Tony Rosiello, and Jamie Thiess from Children’s Hospital
Children’s Hospital Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
April 19, 2013
Trustee Tony Rosiello with Hamilton County Commissioner, Chris Monzel
Western Economic Council Meeting at Twin Lanterns
April 19, 2013
Trustee Tony Rosiello with Hamilton County Auditor, Dusty Rhodes
Western Economic Council Meeting at Twin Lanterns
April 19, 2013
Trustee Tony Rosiello, Trustee Rocky Boiman and Pat Kowalski from Mercy Health signing a beam that will be used in the new Mercy Health West Hospital on North Bend Road.
June 13, 2012
Tom Stone, Board Member of Merchants Bank and Donald Patterson, President and CEO of Merchants Bank with Trustee Tony Rosiello at the Ground Breaking Ceremony
for Merchants Bank and Trust on May 8, 2012
Tom Stone, Board Member of Merchants Bank and Donald Patterson, President and CEO of Merchants Bank with Trustee Tony Rosiello at the Ground Breaking Ceremony for Merchants Bank and Trust on May 8, 2012
Tony Rosiello being sworn in as Green Township Trustee by
Fiscal Officer Tom Straus on January 1, 2012
Tony Rosiello being sworn in as Green Township Trustee by
Fiscal Officer Tom Straus on January 1, 2012
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