Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Program
Household Hazardous Waste
Typical household hazardous products include:
- pesticides
- automotive fluids (i.e. gasoline, motor oil, antifreeze)
- home improvement products (varnish, stain, paint thinner, paint stripper, adhesives)
- cleaning products (drain cleaner, ammonia, bleach)
- lawn and pool chemicals
What about latex paint?
Latex paint is not hazardous waste and can be disposed without the use of a hazardous waste drop-off program. See this link for more information about latex paint disposal.
Where can I Dispose of Hazardous Products?
Why should I properly store and dispose of hazardous products?
Household hazardous products pose a threat when improperly stored or disposed. The average home contains 60 to 100 pounds of hazardous chemicals.
- Household poisonings are the second leading cause of death related to injury in Hamilton County (tied with firearms).
- Throwing away hazardous waste in your garbage can injure your waste collector when hazardous waste reacts with other materials in the garbage truck.
- Dumping hazardous waste down the drain interferes with the wastewater treatment process.
The Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District will not be conducting a household hazardous waste program in 2016 or 2017. Instead, the District has partnered with Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District and Hamilton County Public Health to create the Take Back Your Home campaign. Take Back Your Home includes resources for you to reduce how much household hazardous waste you have in your home:
- Teach yourself to find the correct quantity needed for your project
- Alternative available? Find recipes for alternatives to traditional products.
- Know how to safely store products.
- Explore disposal options
Visit to access these resources.
- You can dispose of pharmaceuticals at home. Here are the FDA instructions:
- National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (NADDI) has the Rx Drug Drop Box Program which is a year round drop off program that accepts any pills, capsules, patches whether Rx or over the counter. No needles or liquids accepted. (The Madeira Police Department is no longer accepting medications) Visit this link for drop-off locations:
- Twice a year, the Drug Enforcement Agency conducts a drug take back program. See this link for more information.
- Walgreens Pharmacies – Provides kiosks for a safe and convenient way year-round to dispose of unwanted, unused or expired prescriptions, including controlled substances, and over-the-counter medications at no cost (liquids and needles not accepted).
- Northgate, 9775 Colerain Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45251
- Norwood, 4605 Montgomery Road, Norwood, Ohio 45212
- Western Hills, 2320 Boudinot Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238
- MedPro offers medical waste disposal, pharmaceutical waste disposal, Sharps disposal, and biohazard disposal for a fee. Contact them at 888-641-6131 or